The Finish Line Is the Starting Line

Omni is almost ready! (Yes, that’s the official title.)

I can see the finish line, and I ought to cross it some time in the next couple of days, which puts me roughly on my planned timeline. Though I had originally hoped to publish it some time in the first part of August, and then revised it to September, I may still hit the end of August. How’s that for everything mostly working out?

I’ve received the almost-finished piece for the cover and it’s awesome. I’m very pleased with the quality of work, and it’s going to stand out against other books in the genre, especially since it’s a bit of a genre blender. I’m still not entirely certain what to call it, but for lack of a better classification, it can be considered to be a thriller, only with some fantasy or sci-fi elements that really shakes things up and takes it out of the realm of the other thrillers.

I’m actually finishing up last minute edits/changes following editor and beta reader feedback, so Omni ought to be available some time in the next few days.

Omni is the story of Ryan Sutter, a regular guy thrown into an impossible situation. What should be a regular day at work becomes a struggle for survival as Ryan finds himself thrust into a dark government underworld where mystery and intrigue are the norm, and the rules of physics and reality don’t necessarily apply.

So as soon as Omni goes up, that means it’s time to go back to work and begin revisions on my epic fantasy story. Being fantasy, it’s a little longer than my thriller (by roughly 30k words) and may take a little longer to revise, but the current plan is to spend September revising, and then pending decisions made upon recently learned lessons, I’ll either get it off to editing in October (although a lot of editors are busy as we reach the end of the year), or I’ll bounce it to beta readers then editing.

Regardless, the goal is to have it available in November, though I expect December will be more likely because there’s still a lot to do (not to mention getting cover art and a map).

Looks like I’ll be busy the next few months (and then some).

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